My doctoral research aims at developing technologies to support people with dementia in social sharing in community settings.

I started my postdoc at the Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia in July 2023!
New paper “Cognitive accessibility of digital payments: A literature review” published at W4A’23 with a nomination for the Best Communication Paper!
New paper “Enriching social sharing for the dementia community: Insights from in-person and online social programs” published in TACCESS!

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023-25
EPIC‑AT Fellow 2023-24
Mitacs Accelerate Internship with the Bank of Canada 2022
Wolfe Chair Dissertation Fellowship 2021-22
FRQNT Doctoral Scholarship 2019-22
Proud to join the eDAPT Lab led by Dr Joanna McGrenere
A little bit more about me
A librarian in nature and by training, I always find solace in libraries and museums. I am glad to be described as "reliable and knowledgable" by my collaborators at the Alzheimer Society of Montreal.